how to draw anime head – Easy Anime Drawings Making Art Imitate Life Sun, 21 Aug 2022 05:41:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 how to draw anime head – Easy Anime Drawings 32 32 How to Draw Anime and Manga Male Head and Face Thu, 17 Mar 2022 07:53:27 +0000 How to Draw Anime and Manga Male Head and Face

Draw Anime and Manga Male Head – This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to draw an anime or manga head and face man from front to side.

Step by Step Drawing of Anime Male Faces

In this lesson, we will be drawing what the face of a young adult or anime character in high school will look like.

Manga and anime characters of this age tend to have more giant beards and longer faces with smaller / smaller eyes than their female or male counterparts. However, this may also vary depending on the style.

If you follow a pencil and paper tutorial, make sure you draw bright lines until you are done with your facial features and hairstyling steps. You will need to clear parts of the drawing later.

Step 1 – Drawing a Head


Draw a straight line in the middle of the head to help you see if the two sides are aligned.

Make the upper part of the head closer to the circle, and from there, draw two lines facing the center of the face followed by a set of curves and two lines with angles facing forward inwards. Join two groups of chin lines. Draw the chin with a slight curve but do not make it too straight, or the character will look masculine.

Side View

Draw the top of the head next to the oval shape.

You can see the fourth step in this nose training course. But do your best to balance its placement at this point. Make a small bump around the eyebrows followed by an indentation that shifts to the nose area.

And at this point, you can draw a straight line from the tip of the nose to the bottom of the chin.

Add the bottom of the jaw by drawing a line from slightly above the oval and folding it into another line that shifts to the chin.

Step 2 – Drawing Ears

To set the ears, draw a straight line between the head and another line between that and the chin. Draw the ears up and down between the two lines.

An in-depth drawing of the male anime’s inner ear

You can see the inner details of the ears above, but you may want to save the drawing after placing all the face features.

Step 3 – Eye Design

The larger and broader the paint, the younger your character’s eyes will look. In this case, the character is a young adult (or near), so the eyes will be smaller than the boys.

Draw the eyes with the upper part touching the center point on the face (use the line from the previous step) and leave enough space between them to fit the other eye.

Please note that the eyes will only be placed in this way when in their natural state. If they are very open, they can pass through this line, and when closed, they will go below the line. In the meantime, you can simply draw your basic outline. Details will be added in the latest step.

Draw eyebrows slightly above the eyes. Anime eyebrows and manga are often painted bigger than women, especially with older characters. But it also depends on the style.

Step 4 – Drawing the Nose

Demonstrate the nose by drawing a small straight bridge line and giving a single spark sparkle (slightly above the placement line). Place the nose details so that the bottom is half/line between the eye area and below the chin. Please note that the actual lower nose will not be pulled.

When you draw a side view of the nose, you will want to remove the bottom of the nose and mouth simultaneously as they are alternating.

Step 5 – Oral Drawing

Finally, place the mouth by drawing a line between the lower nose and the lower chin. This line will give you the position of the lower lip. Draw a lip just a little higher than this.

Draw the mouth with a simple curve and a small break in the middle. You can provide the lower lip with one short line. And please note that usually, older or younger male characters of the anime and manga tend to have wider mouths than females.

Step 6 – Hair Design

Draw hair on the top of the head. You want to paint in this way instead of just painting the coat quickly because seeing what the head looks like will help you set facial features (as done in previous steps). It will also help you style the hair itself as you see exactly how it sits on the head.

To get those “anime hair” looks, you draw hair into large square pieces.

To help you better understand how to draw hair, it can be beneficial to consider it as divided into three parts (front, side, and back/top).

  • Red – Front Hair
  • Green – Side Hair
  • Blue – Back / Top Hair

You can draw the inner details of the ears (shown in step 2) before or after painting the hair.

Step 7 – Drawing Details & Completing Line Drawing

Wipe the hidden parts of the head and hair and add small eye details as students and highlights. You can then trim your drawing with black lines and add black accents or pencil shading (depending on what you are drawing) to the eye and eyebrow sections.

After completing this step, you should have a clean line drawing of the face. You can leave it at this stage or move on to the next step to add shading.

Step 8 – Add Specific Shading

Some basic anime-style shots (also known as “Cel Shading”) add to areas where shadows are most likely to occur in normal light conditions.

For a simple texture without gradients, you can add the following:

  • Shots of tiny drops from the hair on the forehead and sides of the face
  • Tiny shadows around the eyelids and the upper part of the white of the eyes
  • Internal parts of the ears
  • Under the nose
  • The big shadow on the neck comes from the head.

It also darkens the hair and irises of the eyes but leaves the highlights in both areas white.


The heads and faces of male anime may vary depending on the style, but usually, when the character is older, they are very different from their female counterparts. Younger characters typically have very similar faces to women, while older surfaces are often painted with long faces, small eyes, and well-defined facial features.

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How to Draw Anime & Manga Teeth Tutorial Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:13:56 +0000 How to Draw Anime & Manga Teeth Tutorial

Draw Anime & Manga Teeth – This tutorial shows how to draw anime and manga teeth with side and front painting examples. It also offers tips to put them in the mouth and go through their various styles.

Although anime teeth and simplified manga may seem easy to draw, they are too small.

This Study Covers a Few Different Aspects of Drawing and Contains Three Important Components:

  • Brushing teeth with different ideas/angles
  • Examples of anime-style teeth with a different face shape
  • How anime teeth can be used to show the personality of a character

Often anime teeth are pulled out without the full details of each tooth. They are usually presented as a single composite form or simply by individual dental techniques.

There are rare cases where each tooth is shown, but in that case, they are usually pulled out almost like real teeth. We will not cover that in this tutorial, as you can look at the picture of real teeth if you need such an indication. (Draw Anime & Manga Teeth)

Also Read:- 

Drawing Anime Tooth With Different Views / Angles

Before removing teeth, it is good to have a rough estimate of how they are placed in the mouth. You can see the dramatic scale in the “see by-pass” diagram above.

The importance of understanding where the teeth are placed on the head should become very clear as you learn the lesson.

When the mouth opens, as if the screaming face drawing above the top line of the teeth remains in the same position (relative to the head). The bottom line changes with the jaw, but its jaws’ position also does not change.

Although you do not need to make visual cues like the examples above every time you draw, it is good to keep these things in mind to avoid mistakes.

Teeth in the Mouth Open – Preview

The example above is a preview of the face from previous examples. In this view, the teeth become more difficult to draw. This is especially true of the lower line, as it is difficult to estimate how much the teeth should rise on the lower jaw at this angle. (Draw Anime & Manga Teeth)

Placing / Drawing Teeth in Difficult Angles

A good strategy (as suggested in other studies here at AnimeOutline) is to use an easy-to-draw drawing from the view to balance the location of the same body part with a sophisticated view.

In this case, you can use a dental side view diagram to produce a line set that will give you a dental placement in the preview view.

While this may seem like a lot of work, you do not need to make a detailed side view as an example. Just make a quick sketch of the frame.

Demonstrated teeth can also help emphasize different emotions, as shown in the examples below.

Smiling Anime Face Teeth

Perhaps the most obvious emotion in showing teeth is a simple smile.

With anime/manga style, you can give just a little hint of the top and bottom tooth line by drawing a few curved lines on each side.

Shock Anime Face Teeth

Another saying that often shows teeth is a scarred face.

Similar to a smile, you can also give a sparkle that separates the upper and lower lines of the teeth. (Draw Anime & Manga Teeth)

Stinging Anime Face Teeth

The side view grin is another common anime face where teeth are shown.

This expression is often coined with the word “fang” to emphasize the violent nature of speech.

Angry Anime Face Teeth

Looking at the angry side is very similar to the previous example.

Like sharp teeth in an angry mouth, they are often pulled out with sharp “tooth” teeth.

Anime Dental Alignment Drawing A Different View

Again, you can see that although the shape of the face and the mouth change, the teeth remain the same. Although you do not need to align them properly when drawing the same character with different ideas, it is usually a good idea to try and keep the teeth in almost the same position concerning the whole head.

Drawing anime teeth to show a character

Sometimes anime characters are drawn with strange teeth. This can help to emphasize a particular personality and give them a unique look. A few examples of this are listed below.

One Tooth Out – Yaeba Anime Teeth

A “single tooth” is often drawn to portray an active and violent character. This is also sometimes known as “Yamba.”

To demonstrate this feature draws the mouth open but pulls one sharp tooth (like a tooth) on one side of the mouth.

Please note that characters are sometimes shown with a single tooth constantly popping out or closed, but this is rare and may seem strange.

And please be aware as this is a high-tech way of pulling teeth, the actual placement of one tooth becomes important, but you still have to try and be at least somewhat accurate. (Draw Anime & Manga Teeth)

Also Read:- 

Many Sharp Teeth – Anime Shark Tooth

Sharks as sharp as teeth in an anime or manga character can often show a competitive personality. Some characters may have this as a permanent feature, while others may find it only in a certain way.

You can paint them as much as a saw or real shark teeth for this type of teeth.

The example above is another type of shark tooth that may appear when a character grins.

In these types of teeth, you also draw them like a saw, but this time instead of drawing them all in a straight line, you draw them and bend them in the mouth.


High-quality and simplified anime and manga teeth may seem the easiest to draw, but this is not always the case. Different looks/angles, facial expressions, and characters’ styles can make drawing teeth more difficult.

We hope this tutorial has helped you better understand how to draw yourself.

Special Keywords – How To Draw Anime Smile With Teeth, Draw Manga Teeth, How to draw anime mouths female, Draw Anime Teeth

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How to Draw Male Anime Characters Step by Step Tue, 01 Feb 2022 13:46:16 +0000 How to Draw Male Anime Characters Step by Step

Draw Male Anime Characters – This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to draw male anime and manga characters. It includes eight examples of some of the most popular archetype characters with three variants each.

This teaching is very much about personality. It shows you how to take a male anime-style face and turn it into different characters by adjusting facial features and hairstyle. It also shows how to draw some of these characters’ facial features.

The Types of Characters Included in This Study are:

  • Average Guy
  • Opponent / Corrupt
  • Imbuka
  • Henchman
  • Friendly Young Man
  • The Rich Young Man
  • Loneliness
  • Psychologists

Before you get into drawing the archetypes of a particular character, it is a good idea to analyze the features of the anime male face. Although there are variations in anime and manga style, usually all anime characters tend to have big eyes, small noses, and mouths that are easily made without lips. (Draw Male Anime Characters)

Young anime characters and manga men are often portrayed as almost identical to women. Adult male characters may have long faces, broad beards, and short/light eyes (though larger than usual). In this lesson, we will use the typical male face, a high school student or a young adult.

The typical shape of this male anime face can be divided into three simple shapes in the example above.

Also Read:- 

Anime Male Character Face Proportions

These are the default “default” characters in this study that they will refer to. So if you are reading something like “draw eyebrows” or “make the eyes smaller,” it will usually mean something in this case.

Please remember that they are just a guide to finding beautiful anime-style characters. As mentioned, there are many variations in anime/manga style, so this graphic design may not always be relevant. (Draw Male Anime Characters)

If you want a quick classification of facial features and drawing steps, you can read below:

Eyes – make a horizontal line between the head and draw the eyes below it

Ears – make another horizontal line between the first and the chin and draw the ears between the two lines.

Nose – place the nose under its nose in a line used under the ears

 Mouth – draw the mouth with the lower lip between the nose and the bottom of the chin and the mouth itself above it.

Draw eyebrows slightly above the eyes.

Anime Male Character Step by Step Drawing

Draw the basic shape of the head starting with a straight line to help you make sure both halves are equal

Set face features as described earlier

Paint the hair after applying all the facial features

Wipe the hidden parts of the face and head with hair and use a trimmer (Draw Male Anime Characters)

Drawing “Average Guy” Anime Man Character

The character of the “average guy” is usually intended for the viewer to relate to or enjoy. These are usually characters in anime and manga shows or a lead male character if the main character is a woman.

Dirty medium length hair is more common in these types of strands.

To draw a “main character” male character in his usual way, draw eyebrows in their natural setting and draw eyes with large children/explosives.

If you are looking for a character, who looks friendly, draw your mouth with a simple smile.

Also Read:- 

Drawing a Happy “Middle” Male Character

A happy smile can be one of the many expressions this character may have. This usually looks for a main male character who can give you a favorite character similar to the main female character.

For a fun expression of “average guy,” draw slightly raised eyebrows and slightly melted eyes. Draw a mouth with a smile. Leave the inside of the mouth white to show that its teeth are visible but do not paint anything; this will make the character look friendly. (Draw Male Anime Characters)

Drawing a Comfortable “Middle Boy” of Anime Man Actor

This is another saying that can have this kind of character. A relaxed/surprising expression such as “What am I going to eat for dinner today?”.

For a more relaxed and confusing atmosphere, draw eyebrows that raise their inner ends and pull the readers upwards (to make the eyes appear curly).

Put the mouth in the “O” shape. You can draw the jaw down with the mouth open, but this is optional. Anime characters are usually painted in the same place, even with an open mouth.

Drawing Opponent / Giant Anime Man Character

The type of look shown in this example is typical of the “mainstream people” of sci-fi shows and manga. They are usually smart and strong and thus and often calm and confident.

These boys usually have long hair.

For a more casual look for the villain, draw the inner edges of the eyebrows slightly lowered (for a more casual look). Make eye irises a little smaller than those of the “protagonist” character and students even smaller compared to them.

Draw a mouth and a small lip at the bottom of the bright downward curves.

The combined effect of facial features painted this way will give the “villain” a slightly confident but unfriendly/sticky look. (Draw Male Anime Characters)

Also Read:- 

Drawing Angry Opponent / Anime Anime Man Character

This is a phrase that a criminal often utters when he is angry/angry/angry.

Bring the eyebrows closer and lower down the face (especially the inner edges). Slightly wrinkle between the eyebrows to show that they are tight together. Draw flickering eyes and draw the eyes’ irises smaller and more familiar with the little reader and show nothing.

Not painting the display will make the eyes look very cold and indifferent.

Draw the mouth open and shape the number “8” turned on its side with the teeth protruding. You can also make the mouth slightly wider on one side and indicate the difference between the upper and lower rows of teeth with curved lines on each side.

Drawing Planned Opponent / Character of a Cruel Man

Rhetoric/conspiracy theories are another anime/manga character they may have. This is the face they can make while waiting for the success of their plans.

To create a subtle reflection of the inner edges of the eyebrows so that they are raised slightly, draw eyes down, and the upper eyelids are lowered. Draw the mouth with a smile (pointing teeth) and gradually increase the separation between the upper and lower dental lines. This will make the smile look unfriendly and grin-like.

Drawing a Delinquent / Thug Male Character

A “rebellious” character is usually a bully or a criminal. Often these are bad characters that give other anime or manga a hard time.

Feathers curly hair and goat hair may be a good fit for a rebellious person.

The normal look of the abuser draws eyebrows in their natural environment. Draw the eyes with the lower eyelids bent down and drew as usual, and then draw the learners smaller than usual. There should be a good space between the irises and the lower eyelids. You can also give small bags under the eyes with small curved lines.

Finally, draw the mouth with a sharp downward curve and draw the lower lip in the same way.

This combination of facial expressions will give the criminal an unfriendly nature, a little madness, and a dull look. (Draw Male Anime Characters)

Drawing a Grinning Delinquent / Thug Male Anime Character

A grin is one word that can be criminal/criminal when we see the person we want to be important to.

To get the stereotype of a rebellious character, draw eyebrows with their inner ends lowered, draw eyes slightly but leave space between the lower eyelids and irises.

Draw a smiley face but with a piece of teeth (similar to a criminal).

Drawing A Tiny Man character Anime

“Violent face” is another way a rebel / criminal might say, especially when setting aside his target.

For the “hard face” of the traitor/criminal, draw one eyebrow lower and the other raised. The eye below the raised eyebrow should be closed, and the lower eyebrow raised slightly wider than normal.

Draw with a sly smile/smile on one side and draw the upper part of the mouth in a vertical curve (compared to the previous example).

Drawing “Henchman” Man Anime Character

“Henchman” is a type of character that looks very common in anime and manga. If more than one of them all, they usually look almost identical. These are usually unimportant characters who tend to be security guards or certain little criminals.

The “buzz cut” may be appropriate for these types of characters.

Draw a henchman character with eyebrows in its natural state for a more casual look. Draw eyes with lower lids slightly lower and irises much smaller than normal. You can make the eyes look a little “careless” by simply drawing a small picture in each area. Slightly give bags under the eyes with curved lines.

Finally, draw the mouth into a curve downward.

These combined features will give this character an unattractive look and a little tiredness, such as a long-time security guard. (Draw Male Anime Characters)

Also Read:- 

Drawing Awesome Anime Character “Henchman” Shocked

A “scary” look is one of the “henchman” characters you most likely get if they watch something and see a burglary.

To get a “scary” look, draw eyebrows at the bottom of the head and close closer but slightly higher than the other. You can also draw wrinkles between the eyebrows to show tight together. Draw eyes slightly to one side with one eye closed and the other wide open.

Draw the mouth with a curved vertical curve.

Drawing Anime Man Character “Henchman” Shock

The shocked face is the one the “cheater” can find to follow the previous “shocked face” after realizing that anyone/anything hacked is beyond their control.

For a scary face, draw a “henchman” with their eyes open and raised eyebrows. Draw irises smaller than normal with a white space between them and the upper and lower eyelids.

Draw a mouth like “8” turned on its side with the teeth exposed and the lower lip turned upside down.

Drawing a Friendly Man of the Anime Man

“Friendly young man” is usually a supporting character like the main characters’ best friends.

Short, dirty hair can be a good match for a “friendly boy” as it can strengthen the lowly and carefree person.

For a “friendly guy,” casual looks draw eyebrows in their natural state. Draw the eyes wide (long) and make the irises and all their contents bigger than the basic pattern at the beginning of the lesson.

Give the mouth a simple smile.

Big eyes will make a character look friendly, and a simple smile will further enhance this look.

Drawing A Character Of A Friendly Anime Man Content

Content smiles are something a friendly character might have, often after helping someone.

For interesting content/viewing, draw a “friendly guy” with raised eyebrows and a closed eye. Draw closed eyes like beautiful hair with dark curves like eyebrows.

Draw a mouth with a wider smile than the previous example.

Drawing Anime Male Awesome Man

This is a strange face as they meet their friend somewhere unexpectedly.

To look “slightly surprised,” draw raised eyebrows and eyes wide open than usual.

Draw the mouth open with the jaw when the chin is slightly down and exposes the top line of the teeth.

This will give the character a kind of expression, “I’m glad to meet you.”

Drawing “Rich Young Man” Anime Man Character

“Rich” characters tend to be rich and successful. They often look down on those around them as being inferior.

With the typical “rich man’s” face, draw the eyebrows slightly down. Draw the eyes with the inner edges of the upper extremities slightly lower, and then draw the irises a little smaller than usual.

Draw the mouth with a smile but instead of drawing a smile with one curve, draw like a set of curves (one on each side of the mouth).

These combined elements will give this character a slightly more confident and subtle look.

Drawing a “Rich Young Man” Disgusting Anime Man Character

Disgusting appearance is another archetype of a “rich” character who often looks at someone or something imaginable under him.

To look ugly, draw the face of the “rich man,” and the eyebrows go back to their regular curves. Make the inner edges of the eyebrows raised and pull them together slightly. Make the eyes themselves glaze slightly.

Draw the mouth like a smiling face, thin at the top and wide at the bottom with teeth visible. Roll the lower lip down.

Drawing A Smile “Rich Young Man” Anime Man Character

A fake smile is another way this type of character often does. For example, if a famous actor usually does it in front of their fans.

In this expression, draw raised eyebrows and close your eyes (similar to the look of content for friendly boys). Draw closed eyes with a pair of curved eyebrows.

Draw a mouth with a smile, but a friend adds a toothpick to each side to make it look smaller.

Drawing a Male Loner

A lone male character can be shy or uncomfortable in public or dislike people. Depending on the story, these characters can be good or bad.

For a more “one-man” look, draw eyebrows raised slightly at the ends. Draw the upper eyelids slightly lower and draw the lower eyelids with wide curves. Make irises very thin. Under the eyes, add a few curved lines to show the bags under the eyes (as if the character did not sleep for long).

Draw the mouth into a curve downward.

Combined features will give the “one” a casual and friendly look.

Drawing a Tired “Lonely” Male Character

A tired face is another form of communication that is less common in single characters. For example, they may spend the night playing online games and get tired in the morning.

To get the tired look of a “single” person, draw eyebrows in vertical curves that elevate their inner ends. Draw the upper eyelids by twisting their regular curves down the eyes.

Keep the mouth like a normal expression.

Drawing a Frightened / Frightened Male Character

We often do this awesome/scary expression of anime/manga. This can be when they are being bullied or just when they are in an uncomfortable situation (such as meeting others).

To get a scary/shocking look for one:

Draw the raised eyebrows (especially the inner edges) and reverse their regular curves.

Draw eyes wide open with irises smaller than normal.

Leave the top irises covered with eyebrows but only slightly.

Draw the mouth with your teeth and show the number “8 on the side of the shape” (similar to the previous example). Add a little lower lip to the bottom curve.

Drawing a “Smart” Male Anime Character

The “smart” character in anime and manga doesn’t mean a shy or weak male character. In contrast, these characters can often be physically or intellectually sophisticated. These are usually the president of the school council or some leader.

With the usual “intelligent” look, draw the eyebrows in their natural state with slightly smaller eyes than the example of the default character at the beginning of the lesson. Make irises a little thinner too. Small and medium eyes will make the character look very delicate and mean that they may not see well.

Draw the mouth into a bright downward curve to make the character look more delicate.

Drawing the Character of a Concerned “Wise Man”

A touching or “thoughtful” statement is what a “smart” character might do.

To get the talk involved, draw the eyebrows down and close together with some wrinkles between them. Draw irises folded slightly and slightly closer together.

Draw the mouth into a vertical curve but slightly higher than normal speaking.

Drawing an Amazing “Wise” Male Anime Character

The “intellectual one” may portray a certain astonishment as exemplified by discovering a type of discovery.

To paint the stunning look of a “smart” character, drawing raised eyebrows (especially their inner ens) and drew eyes wide open with younger readers. Draw the mouth open with an “O” shape. With the mouth open, you can also draw the jaw slightly down.


This tutorial includes drawing some of the most popular male anime genres and manga characters by showing examples of facial features, expressions, and hairstyles they may have. Although there are many varieties, combining many in one study isn’t easy.

You can always check out your favorite anime and manga for more examples and see how the most interesting characters are drawn. You can also explore personality in this lesson by combining the facial features of each character and seeing what you find.

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