Draw the Nose – Easy Anime Drawings https://easyanimedrawings.com Making Art Imitate Life Sun, 21 Aug 2022 05:45:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://easyanimedrawings.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/cropped-Fevicon-32x32.png Draw the Nose – Easy Anime Drawings https://easyanimedrawings.com 32 32 How to Draw an Anime Panda Girl https://easyanimedrawings.com/draw-an-anime-panda-girl/ https://easyanimedrawings.com/draw-an-anime-panda-girl/#respond Tue, 18 Jan 2022 07:09:02 +0000 https://easyanimedrawings.com/?p=84 How to Draw an Anime Panda Girl Step by Step

Draw An Anime Panda Girl – This tutorial shows how to draw an anime panda girl or, more precisely, an anime girl wearing a panda hoodie in fifteen steps. We, Will, Learn – Anime Panda Girl Drawing, Anime Girl, Cute Panda Girl Anime, Panda Girl Anime Character

You can see a preview of the drawing stages for the panda girl in the image above.

Unlike the animal girls in some other tutorials here on Easy Anime Drawings, the “Panda Girl” will simply be wearing a panda hoodie instead of having actual animal features. This is because it also tends to be the trend in anime and manga.

If you’ve done some of the other similar tutorials on this site, many of the initial steps will probably be familiar to you. However, there are also more specific things to this tutorial, so be sure to follow along carefully.

If you are drawing using pencil and paper, start with light lines as you will need to erase certain parts in some of the steps. The lines in the examples are dark so that they are easier for you to see.

You can trace over your drawing with a darker stroke before coloring once you feel that everything is in the right place. (Draw An Anime Panda Girl)

Also, Read – How to Draw and Color Anime Hair

Step 1 – Draw the Head & Shoulders of the Panda Girl

Begin by drawing the head, neck, and shoulders of the character. Overall the character will have ample authority with a narrow inlet and slight shoulders.

Start with a straight vertical line through the middle of your drawing area. Near the top of this line, draw a circle to represent the top of the head, and be sure to leave some room above that so that you can later fit in the hoodie and the panda ears on top of it.

Going down from the circle, draw the bottom part of the head. You can see the shape breakdown based on the trim line segments in the example.

The shape of the lower part of the face is as follows:

  • Two downwards lines slightly angled inwards (towards the middle of the face)
  • A pair of light curves
  • Two more downwards lines that face more inwards than the previous pair
  • The slight curve for the chin

Going down from the lower part of the head, draw the neck. Make it slightly more comprehensive as it goes down. After that, remove the shoulder muscles running downwards towards the shoulders. You can pull the actual shoulders with a pair of curves that then transition into the arms’ downward lines. (Draw An Anime Panda Girl)

Step 2 – Draw the Eyes

Place the eyes dividing the head in half horizontally and draw them just a tiny bit below the halfway point.

Make them relatively large and tall, spaced roughly far enough apart so that you can fit a third eye in between.

For this stage of the drawing, leave out any of the more minor details as the goal is first to establish the placement of the facial features.

You can see a more detailed breakdown of drawing the eyes later on.

Also, Read – 9 Steps: How to Draw a Manga Character Like A Pro

Step 3 – Draw the Eyebrows

A little bit above the eyes draw the eyebrows. In this case, they will be shorter than the eyes.

Step 4 – Draw the Nose

Position the nose between the vertical halfway point of the head and the bottom of the chin. You can draw the nose itself as pretty much a dot or a tiny dash. (Draw An Anime Panda Girl)

Step 5 – Draw the Mouth

Position the mouth so that its upper lip (not drawn) is halfway between the nose and the bottom of the chin. You can remove the actual moth just a bit above that.

In this case, the mouth will have a slight smile. Draw it a little more curved than a regular expression to show this.

Step 6 – Draw the Ears

Please note that the hair will hide the ear, so there is no need to draw them. However, their placement is still shown for reference if you want to draw a different hairstyle.

Position the eras with their upper parts just a bit below the top of the eyes and their lower legs just a little bit below the dot of the nose. (Draw An Anime Panda Girl)

For alternative ear placement, see:

Step 7 – Draw the Hoodie

As already mentioned in this case, the “panda girl” will just be a girl wearing a panda hoodie.

Before drawing the hoodie on the head, estimating the hair volume underneath it is good. In the example above, the hair volume is shown in red, and the outline of the hoodie over top of it is shown in blue.

You do not necessarily have to outline the hair as was done in the example but at least keep in mind that there will be some distance between the outline of the head and the fabric.

Draw the outer shape of the hoodie first. Afterward, draw the inner opening followed by the folds. Add some folds to the outer sides of the arms and some wrinkles around the armpit areas.

Also, add a placket (the part where the buttons are attached) running down the middle of the hoodie, starting from just below the shoulders. (Draw An Anime Panda Girl)

You can erase the parts of the head/arms covered by the hoodie after you are drawn.

Also, Read – How to Draw a Shuriken (Ninja Star) Step by Step

Step 8 – Draw the Hoodie Panda Ears

At the top of the hoodie, add the panda ears. Make these reasonably round in shape. To show that they are made of soft fabric, you can deliberately make their outlines slightly uneven.

Step 9 – Draw the Side Section of the Hair

Coming out from below the hoodie, draw the side sections of the hair. Make them slightly curved so that they “hug” the face.

You can erase the parts of the head and ears (if you chose to draw them) covered by the hair so that you again have a clean drawing, as in the above example. (Draw An Anime Panda Girl)

Step 10 – Draw the Front Section of the Hair

Draw the middle section of the hair (shown in red) with a big clump running down in the center and the rest of it swept under the sides.

Step 11 – Draw the Back Section of the Hair

Finally, draw the hair in the background (shown in blue).

Step 12 – Draw the Draw the Eye Details

Add the following details to the eyes:

  • Hints of the eyelids
  • Hints of individual eyelashes
  • Pupils
  • Highlights/Reflections in eyes

You can show the eyelids as just a pair of tiny curves positioned closer to the inner sides of the eyes and slightly above the eyelashes. You will also want them to be angled slightly towards the nose.

Shade the outlines of the eyelashes black and draw some spiky-looking lashes into them as you shade. (Draw An Anime Panda Girl)

Draw the pupils shaped the same as the irises, overlapping each one by a highlight.

You can see a breakdown of all the drawing steps for the eyes above. However, it would be best to hold off on coloring until you get to that tutorial stage.

Step 13 – Draw the Hoodie Details

At the top of the hoodie, draw the panda face, as shown in the example. It can be pretty simple with just the outlines of the black areas that the panda has around the eyes (no need to draw the actual eyes), the mouth, and the nose.

You can also add a button onto the placket and outline a tiny highlight area inside it.

Once done with this drawing stage, you can trace over your lines to darken them. However, don’t darken the outlines of the highlights on the eyes/button. You want to keep these lines light to blend into the color.

Step 14 – Apply Color

You will only need a few colors for the panda girl.

Make the panda ears, eye areas, nose dark grey/black. You can also do the same for the pupils (keep the highlights white) and the button. Make the irises and hair brown. You can make a face/neck a very light orange/pink. Leave the rest white.

Step 15 – Add Shading & Finish the Panda Girl Drawing

You may notice that in the previous examples, the drawing looks a bit flat, and the eyes seem to have a bit of a “stare” to them. To fix this, you can give the drawing a bit of shading. (Draw An Anime Panda Girl)

Generally, shadows form based on how the subject is illuminated. In this case, the character will have fairly generic shading as though she is in a well-lit room or outdoors during the day with the primary light source somewhere above her.

To get rid of the “staring look,” start by shading the upper part of the irises. Afterward, place some lighter shadows as follows:

  • On the very top of the visible hair (from the hoodie)
  • Around the eyelids (as these areas in indented less light reach there)
  • Top of the white of the eyes (from the eyelashes)
  • Around the middle clump and side clumps of the hair (cast by those hair sections)
  • To one side of the nose (released by the nose)
  • Below the mouth (released by the bottom lip that is not drawn)
  • The back section of the hair (that area is darker as less light reaches the back of the hood)
  • The back of the hood (again less light goes here)
  • On the entire neck (cast by the hoodie and the head)
  • Below the hood (released by itself)

You can see all of the details of the eyes in the large/close-up drawing above.

Keep in mind that overall, this is a reasonably stylized character, and the goal is NOT to create the absolute most accurate shading but instead to have it real enough to look Believable. (Draw An Anime Panda Girl)


In this tutorial, the “panda girl” is given the panda features through her hoodie. Such hoodies (especially bear-themed ones) are pretty standard in anime and manga.

If you wish, you can also use very similar steps to draw a hoodie with the theme of a different animal or a different type of bear. Change the shape of the ears and the face (particularly the eye area).

Special Keywords – Anime Panda Girl Drawing, Anime Girl, Cute Panda Girl Anime, Panda Girl Anime Character

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