anime drawings easy – Easy Anime Drawings Making Art Imitate Life Sun, 21 Aug 2022 05:48:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 anime drawings easy – Easy Anime Drawings 32 32 How to Draw Anime Clothes and Manga Wed, 23 Feb 2022 11:44:25 +0000 How to Draw Anime Clothes and Manga

Draw Anime Clothes and Manga – This tutorial focuses on the basics of drawing some of the most common types of clothing in anime and fictional styles. Examples are women’s clothing, but tips can also be used to design men’s clothing.

Anime Costumes

Before you start painting a dress, it can be beneficial to read some pictures of real clothes to get a general idea of ​​the designs and that different parts such as buttons and buttons are often found there.

Anime and manga characters are portrayed wearing different types of clothing hundreds and even thousands of times, so their costumes are often painted in a simplified way. The essential elements of each piece are displayed while small details such as small folds are left out.

How to Get Started Drawing Anime Clothes

If you are a beginner, start by drawing a rough sketch of the shape before drawing clothes (assuming the clothes you are attracting are worn).

Drawing Anime Leather Jacket

To design an anime-style leather jacket on the body, start by drawing its entire shape and main features, such as the zipper and column line.

The skin is firm, and even a tight coat will hide the body shape. The shoulder areas where the sleeves are sewn on the jacket will come out “pointy” while the chest area will be immersed. Draw accordingly.

Drawing an Anime leather Jacket

An example of an anime leather jacket design

In this example, the main bars will be on the shoulder (the slightly raised arm) and inside the elbow (the component is bent). There will also be a light curve at the level of the upper abdomen because the body is slightly bent on one side.

Draw simple wrap and small pieces like zip details and packs after drawing extensive features.

Drawing Anime Jeans

If you have done body painting as suggested earlier, you only need to show the top and bottom of the jeans to get their overall shape. Tight jeans will be almost exactly the shape of the legs. The only exception, in this case, is the bottom of the jeans because it is folded at the top. Draw tucked sections away from the shape of the legs.

Drawing Tight Anime Jeans

Wrap in tight jeans will usually be on the sides of the knees and very high between the legs. Draw some of those places.

Drawing an Anime Shirt

Design an anime shirt (school uniform or other) and start by drawing the shirt’s shape and its main features. Because shirts are usually made of thin and soft materials, the body shape will be more noticeable than the jacket.

Drawing an Anime Shirt

Suppose the shirt is tight and has short sleeves; as in the example, you only need to draw a few edges. Draw another wrap below and above the chest. In this example, a single fold goes into the abdomen to show that the shirt is slightly extended towards one side due to the light curve on the body. You can also draw other folders in the upper abdomen for the same reason.

Drawing Anime Skirt

I am designing an anime school uniform skirt to start again by drawing the whole scene. Next, draw straight lines to show the size of the fold. It is important to note that curling in this particular design will be similar to teeth pointing in one direction but turning slightly around.

An Example of An Anime Skirt Design

In this example, the bars’ inner side is not visible as it moves from left to image to the right.

To draw a jersey in anime style, start by drawing a picture of it all.

Sweaters and sweatshirts are usually made of soft but thick material and tend to have pockets, thus having more curling curves.

Drawing an Anime Jersey

Start by drawing the perfect shape of a jersey or sweatshirt with a frame of ample curves and folders. Baggy clothes will tend to move down and collect down. Keep this in mind when drawing.

Drawing Anime Sweat Pants

Draw sweat anime pants and start by drawing the overall shape.

Drawing Anime Pants

There will be minimal folding in sweatpants with hanging pockets, as in the example. The only major drawback in this example will be the knee of the front leg as the pants will depend slightly on it, causing some tension.

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An Initial Guide for Drawing Anime & Manga Fri, 11 Feb 2022 11:36:50 +0000 An Initial Guide for Drawing Anime & Manga

Guide For Drawing Anime Manga – This guide introduces the basics of drawing with a focus on anime and manga styles. It offers tips on how to get closer to the drawing process properly and suggests some friendly beginner exercises to help you get started.

This Guide covers the First Part of that List (Basics of Drawing)

  1. Make Light Line Drawings First

Draw using light lines first and then trace it over with black lines once you are sure everything is in the right place. This can be especially helpful for large or complex drawings.

Bright lines are easy to erase if you make a mistake and are easy to make (you do not have to press too much pencil, so your hand does not get too tired).

Even though digital painting is still a good idea to make a drawing and move on to clean lines later.

Following your lines will also serve as another way to help strengthen your arm.

Try and draw as few lines as possible. If you make a mistake with your first line, it is best to add more lines until you get the right one but do not draw or draw extra lines as a result. If you make too many mistakes, erase that part of your drawing from the bottom.

  1. Use Building Guidelines / Lines

Use the navigation lines to help you draw. For example, if you want to remove a flat head/face with a preview, you can start drawing a horizontal line even though you want to draw a look in the middle of the center. This line will help you make sure both sides of the face are the same width. You can then draw a horizontal line (or several lines) to help you make sure both eyes and ears are at the same level.

  1. Edit Your Drawing And Draw Large To Small

Measure your measurements before you start drawing. You can see that in the example above, the girl is 6 1/2 tall (as anime characters usually have big heads in relationships with their bodies and then real people). By comparing the size of the different parts or objects in your drawing with each other, you will not be less likely to make a mistake.

No matter what you do, start with the big picture first. You do not always have to start with the minor details, but you do not always start with the minor details.

When you draw a place, a person starts with the head and then goes down the whole body. Do not paint small details such as facial features until you have a full-body shape.

Drawing in this way will make it much easier to correct mistakes. For example, if you take a full head out with all the facial features, you may find that the body does not fit into your drawing area. You will need to restart and repaint all faces.

Some of these errors can be easily corrected if you draw digitally, but that does not mean you should not learn to draw correctly.

  1. Keep Different Parts Of Your Drawing In Same Completion Sections

Try keeping the various elements in your drawing in the same state of completion. If, for example, you are drawing eyes rather than removing the outside shape of each eye and then drawing the condition of each iris. By doing so, you will notice when the first one is out of place, and you will only need to do a little tracking if you make a mistake (similar to the previous example).

  1. Draw Hidden Objects

Sometimes it is a good idea to draw things hidden by something.

In the example above, some parts of the head and face will be hidden by the hair in the final drawing, but you may want to draw their basic shapes and clear them later. This is to ensure the correct placement of the visible parts. For example, by making a light second eye drawing, you will check the difference between the eyes, which will help you ensure that the visual eye is positioned correctly. You can also draw the shape of the outside of the ears to measure the amount of hair needed to cover it.

  1. Perform Drawing Tests

As a budding artist, you can benefit from simple tests of drawing lines and basic geometric shapes. These exercises will help strengthen your arm and train you to recognize (and avoid) common mistakes.

You can do this for about 10-15 minutes at a time.

Straight Drawing Exercises

The essential exercise is to draw straight lines in different places. Draw horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines without rotating your drawing area (paper, tablet, etc.).

Tips for Drawing Curved Lines

In addition to straight lines, practice drawing curved lines in different ways and having a nice and smooth curve without jitters or sharp turns. As a straight-line function, do not rotate your drawing area.

Basic Conditions Drawing Exercise

Practice drawing basic shapes such as squares, circles, triangles, ovals, rectangles, etc.

Try and draw each shape with one stroke on each side. Draw a circle and eggs in one solid line from beginning to end.

Don’t worry if your situation doesn’t go well; just improve the following condition.

Mixed Drawing Tests

You can also combine drawing exercises. For example, you can draw a square rather than inside and draw lines from one corner to another, followed by two more lines passing through the intersection of those lines followed by drawing a circle inside the first square. But unlike previous exercises, draw this circle quarterly.

In addition to all the previous benefits, this test is also excellent for learning to draw even shapes.

In the example above, you can see how an anime-style theme can be divided into three simple shapes. The same can be said of other body parts and other things. You do not have to paint all these things every time you want to draw something, but it is an excellent example of why learning to draw primary conditions can be so helpful.

  1. Learn Anime Style

To make art look like anime and manga, you must understand their defining features. Luckily there are plenty of tutorials on AnimeOutline to help you learn these styles. Just look at the Anime & Manga Drawing Tutorials section and choose whatever you like to draw.

  1. See Errors

If you have trouble recognizing your mistakes, turn your drawing upside down or raise it in the mirror. This will give you a new “perspective” that makes it easier to see yourself.


Doing the exercises and applying the tips suggested above will help you with the basics of drawing anime. Once you have a strong hand that controls your pen or pencil, you can move to more advanced drawing objects.

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How to Draw a Shuriken (Ninja Star) Step by Step Sun, 23 Jan 2022 07:00:26 +0000 How to Draw a Shuriken (Ninja Star) Step by Step

Draw a Shuriken – This tutorial shows how to draw a shuriken star or ninja, often called eight steps in anime/manga style.

Shurikens can sometimes be seen in martial arts historical anime and manga. Although their designs are often different, as their name implies, it is usually shaped like a star.

The one shown in this tutorial is four points/star shuriken (from a side view).

Unless you are digitally painting a pencil tutorial, you will eventually need to clear the reference lines used in the previous steps. Also, note that the lines in the examples have been blackened to make it easier to see.

Keep your lines simple so that they do not leave marks when deleted. You can darken it towards the end of the lesson (before coloring). (Draw a Shuriken)

Also, Read – How to Draw Takoyaki Step by Step

Step 1 – Draw the First Set of Shuriken Guide Lines

To help make sure the ninja star is in good shape and does not look crooked or twisted, draw guidelines to help you create its shape.

Start by making a horizontal and vertical line. These crosses will be the center of the shuriken/ninja star; make sure these lines are straight.

Step 2 – Draw a Second Set of Guide Lines

In the middle of the previous lines, draw another pair (short) that should form an “X” shape. Make sure the sections between these lines (that type looks like pieces) are all the same size.

Step 3 – Draw Shuriken Frame

Based on the guidelines, draw a four-pointed star. Based on the example, you can see how the guidelines can help in this regard. (Draw a Shuriken)

Step 4 – Draw a hole

In this simple step, draw a small circular hole in the center of the shuriken area.

Step 5: Draw the edges

Explain the edges of the shuriken by drawing another similar shape inside the mainframe. You can also draw a second large circle centered on the hole.

Step 6 – Clean and Complete Line Drawing

Once you have all the parts listed, clean your drawing and clear the guidelines. When you’re done, you can also blur your lines. You can also choose to make the lines that describe its main character larger than the descriptive ones.

Also, Read – How to Draw a Candy Apple Step by Step

Step 7 – Add Color

To show that shuriken is iron, make it a light grey. You can do this using a regular pencil. (Draw a Shuriken)

Step 8 – Add Shading

Many notice that the painting looked a little lower in the previous example. To fix this, you can give it a basic shading that will make the object look three sizes.

In the example, the light would appear from the top left. In this lighting system, the shadows will be distributed something like the example below.

Keep in mind that the blurring is simplified (as is usually the case with anime and manga). The goal is to get close enough to look good.

At the same time, you want to keep it hidden. If you make one part too dark compared to the other, the painting will look like a mosaic and then one perfect object. (Draw a Shuriken)


Shuriken’s in anime and manga can be drawn in various ways. However, as already mentioned, they will often look like some star. So another name for them is a ninja star. Drawing this is usually not difficult, especially if you use the method shown in this tutorial.

Special Keywords – How To Make a Ninja Star Step By Step, Origami Ninja Star Step By Step, Origami Ninja Star 100 Point, Koga Ninja Star

Thanks for Visiting Our Website – Easy Anime Drawings

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How to Draw and Color Anime Hair Wed, 19 Jan 2022 05:16:24 +0000 How to Draw and Color Anime Hair

Draw Color Anime Hairs – Hair is one of my top 5 favorite things to draw and color, and this was also a requested tutorial. I tried to add as much information as possible while keeping the video fun to watch and full of tips! We, Will, Learn – Easy Anime Hairs Drawings, Anime Girl Drawing, Anime Drawings, Anime Drawing

Nothing here is a hard rule, and it’s mostly to show how I do things, so I hope you enjoy it.

Using References

It’s tough to draw things when you don’t check what they look like in real life. So every time you’re stuck, search for photos! Not just of anime drawings, but actual people as well. (Draw Color Anime Hairs)

Where, you ask? There’re plenty of places; you can go on Pinterest, Instagram, DeviantArt, etc.! And if you think that’s cheating, copying, or stealing, it’s not. Every great artist uses references, so you should too!

Also, Read – 9 Steps: How to Draw a Manga Character Like A Pro

Shape and Volume

In anime, hair and eyes are often used to express emotions and a character’s personality, so they’re usually given more details than in real life. But this is drawing, so there aren’t any complex rules for this! Let your hand flow, and practice your creativity. Take a look at your favorite anime drawings. How does the Hair make you feel?

Straight black hair feels serious;

While fluffy curls are warm and welcoming!

Sketching Tips

I start hair just thinking of the general outline without giving much attention to details: only the general shape matters when sketching. (Draw Color Anime Hairs)

Think of the skull and add some padding if you don’t know where the hair starts in the head. A simple line in the middle should be enough to represent that. You can make the top part more complex as you learn how hair works.

Also, it’s good to work with S curves. Even if the hair is straight, it can be a long open S, making the hair look light and flowy. With wavy hair, the S curves will be more visible!

For perfectly curly hair, I use a different technique. I first draw spring and define the front part. Then, I duplicate that line shape.

After that, I erase the lines on the back and connect them to form a full spring!

You don’t need to draw every strand like that (feel free to do so if you like, though!); a few will be enough to give the feeling you are looking for, and the back can have a simple shape.

Don’t be afraid to delete what looks wrong and try again. Even if it takes time, spending time on this part to get the feeling right will pay off in the end. (Draw Color Anime Hairs)

Another important tip is to work with long lines, not short chicken scratches. It will make your drawing look more polished, and you will have fewer chances to hurt your wrist!

Take breaks if you are lost, and look up new references to refresh your eyes. Make sure to leave them open while you draw; it will help a lot.

Also, Read – How to Draw a Shuriken (Ninja Star) Step by Step

About Lineart

I will clean up the sketch depending on the drawing instead of creating a line.

By “clean up,” I mean I will erase the messy lines and go over them when necessary, giving it a different feeling than a clean line. This helps me relax about art and not worry too much about details.

You don’t need to over-zoom and glue your face on the screen to ensure the lines are perfect! You are likely to be the only one that will be able to spot your small mistakes. (Draw Color Anime Hairs)

The brush for lineart can be the same as sketching, but this will depend on how you want it to look. I highly recommend looking at the formal meetings or checking Clip Studio Assets. There are many fun brushes you can easily download and use.

You can make the lines thicker where they intersect or where shadows will be in this phase. It will give your lines more depth.


Once the base color is added, define your light source. Remember your basic lessons about ball shading? Do exactly that. (Draw Color Anime Hairs)

To do this, lay out a general shape with the shading color.

Once you have the general shape defined, you can polish it to your liking.

But as you are still learning, you don’t need to go fancy on the shading. Go slowly, within the scope of what you feel is challenging enough for your current skills, then make it complex as you go!

As you can see, there’s some backlight on the black that matches the grey on the white side. I usually add some extra color to the hair I draw because it looks pretty!

Also, Read – How to Draw Anime Weather (Snow, Rain & Wind) Tutorial

Now, How to Pick the Right Color?

The short answer, there is no right color! Play with them until you find what you like: try pink in blue, purple in green, orange in yellow, and so on. Have fun! Wonder how to make black and white hair not look grey, purple, etc.

The stone will look correct if you use similar colors to your drawing’s surroundings. For example, if her shirt were red, I would add more red tones to the hair. I tend to use colors already on the drawing and play around with them. Like this hair strand in a blue and red room: there’s a bit of each color on it. (Draw Color Anime Hairs)

But if you are working with complicated hair like a rainbow or gradient, you can set a new layer on top in Multiply blending mode and test out which colors work better without messing up the slope.


This part is enjoyable, and there are many ways to add shine to the hair.

Yes, even white hair!

I like to airbrush the skin color on the bangs, so it will show when I add white highlights on top!

If you don’t know which color to use, you can take the hair color, create a new layer, set the blending mode to Add (Glow), and add blobs, triangles, lines, etc. Any shape works, so do what fits your taste, and then use hue and saturation (Ctrl+U) to change the color to a tone that matches.

When I add highlights, that’s when I also add messy strands. We all struggle with messy hair, right?

Another little thing I enjoy is making the eyelashes and eyebrows transparent. You can easily do that by locking the lineart layer and then coloring with a darker color than the hair or lighter. Try it out; it depends on the hair color you are using and if your lineart is set as multiply or not.


Maybe you’re still unsure how to draw hair even after this tutorial, but I don’t expect you to be a pro suddenly. As I always say, art takes time.

So at the very least, take away this important point from this: use references! I can’t repeat this enough but make sure to use them mindfully.

I believe you don’t need a step-by-step to learn something. Instead, try to understand things in your way. As long as you enjoy what you do and are up for the challenges life will bring, you will grow as an artist!

Practicing is critical, but patience and passion make up the door.

Special Keywords – Easy Anime Hairs Drawings, Anime Girl Drawing, Anime Drawings, Anime Drawing

Thanks for Visiting Our Website – Easy Anime Drawings 

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How to Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint Mon, 17 Jan 2022 15:09:13 +0000 How to Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint

Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint – Find out How to Draw a Manga with these Expert Drawing Tips, Shadows, and Lighting. Learning how to draw a manga is not easy, especially if you are staring at an empty canvas and the possibilities seem endless. We, Will, Learn – How to Make a Comic in Clip Studio Paint, Clip Studio Paint Pro or Ex, Clip Studio Paint Webtoon, Clip Studio Paint Comic Settings

Artists are always excited about creating a new image, but with this joy comes a lot of fear and self-esteem. Without worrying about where to start, you can ask yourself some questions. Does your image look good? What else can you add? Did you add too much? What if you change this? (Our compilation of how to draw a tutorial will also help.)

To help you, artist Asia Landowska shared her art process and manga painting tips. In this workshop, Landowska created a character: Mai. This simple word comes from the name of the month he painted.

Landowska started this image in May 2020 and did not open the file until May 2021, when he completed it. Follow the Landowska process below and find out how to draw manga. (Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint)

Want more? See our tips for drawing manga characters. And with new tools (including Clip Studio Paint), here’s our choice of the best digital art software.

Also, Read – How to Draw Monkey D. Luffy

How to Draw a Manga

  1. Choose an Interesting Angle

The most challenging angle to work with when drawing a picture is the front view. It requires careful balance, balance, and well-balanced measurements, and when you put it all together, it looks a little… boring.

I always try to make the front stand look attractive, and then I end up trying to guess. Even if I push through this process, the result is not beautiful. However, if you choose a slightly changing angle, you will have a good start! (Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint)

  1. Draw Quickly

I always try to write a drawing in less than 15 minutes. Let’s face it – it’s just a drawing. I need to visualize my point of view before I forget it! My favorite tool I use is this Black Pencil.

Ideal for pictures, line art, and even coloring. I use the default software brushes, but I’ve adjusted its settings a bit. I always disable the Narrow Speed ​​option with the Black Pencil and change the stabilization to 15.

  1. Color in your drawings

I usually add bright colors to my drawings in this section to bring out the character. Some errors cannot be detected if there are just lines in place (and on top of that, too many dirty lines!).

It helps to see the image as standing, and the colors help to shape the drawings. If you glance at it, you know the character. In the lines of this painting, I used navy black instead of black, and when I changed the layout mode to say Color Burn, it created beautiful hues that I could later use to blur my character.

  1. Do not Rush Line-Art

I can divide my process into sketch, line art, colors, and background processing. However, each of these steps can be challenging. By “do not rush to draw a line,” I do not mean to draw a little, but rather fix the drawing as often as it takes so that the line drawing is easier to remove. (Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint)

Also, Read – How to Draw Aang (Avatar)

  1. Save Time by using the Smart Backup Clip Studio Paint Tool

Before I got to Clip Studio Paint, I spent many hours painting the layers themselves. Fortunately, you do not have to make that mistake! The Smart Bucket software tool is excellent for seeing line art, and with one click, I can fill many places.

When you play with its settings, it can identify lines with spaces in them or written lines. To ensure that all the characters’ pixels are selected, I color the background first in a different layer. Then I turn off the line art and paint the background color of another layer.

  1. Use a Firmer Brush Than a Soft Airbrush

Beautiful paintings have soft and robust shades in place, but choose a hard border if you are unsure where and where to go. The drawings look much better with flat cell shading (look at all the anime ever made!) Then the mellow, soft airbrush

shading for everything. I always use a firm brush first and then combine the selected edges into a soft one if necessary. (Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint)

In this step, I added shading to all the layers of color. As artists who use ambient occlusion, this dimension does not define any light source. Instead, it adds depth to the character and makes them look more attractive. Let me show you how I do it in the next step.

  1. Use the Transparent Watercolor Brush as a Blender

For me, the tool is more powerful than the Blending brush or another paintbrush, the automatic Transparent Watercolor brush in Clip Studio Paint. You can see the settings I use in the screenshot, but I change them as I paint.

When you set the Color Paint is a low value, it combines colors, depending on what stroke and pressure your pencil is making, and it does not matter what color you choose for your brush.

If you set that number to a higher number, it will match the color of your meeting with the existing colors. This tool has many interactions, and surprisingly the results do not look like watercolors…

  1. Adjust the Width of your Line

Clip Studio Paint is designed for artists, photographers, and artists and is packed with activities that help us work faster and more efficiently. One of those tasks I could not live without was adjusting the width of the line. (Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint)

You can access it under Filters> Correct Line> Adjust line width, and it allows you to thicken or reduce line art. On the left, you can see the lines I drew at first, and on the right are my edited lines. As a result of this work, my image became even more critical.

However, if your art now looks excellent and has pixels, I would recommend duplicating the layered art layer, blurring slightly with Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blurring, and setting Layer mode to Repeat.

Also, Read – Learn How to Draw Anime Eyes in 9 Simple Steps

  1. Experiment With Colors

I will never decide which colors to use! I like to play with colors and change them to see ‘what if …’. There are many ways you can do this yourself. You can select the color area in question (or apply it to the whole layer) and then use Edit> Adjust Tone> Hue / Saturation / Brightness Filter and edit slides, or paste the coating into the layout and set it up.

In color mode, then add color with the Bucket tool. You can also add new colors using functions like multiplication, Color Dodge, Divide… name it! You can also combine colors and use gradients too.

  1. Put the Whole World Insight

I believe the eyes are the window to the soul, and I paint them with this in mind. I love painting eyes! It may be the eyes that made me fall in love with the art of manga style. (Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint)

I constantly try to paint how I paint them, using a variety of styles, shapes, and colors. I often take inspiration from other artists and mix their styles with mine. I wonder if you can see my inspiration in my drawings.

  1. Define your light Source and Add Shadows

When I create the foundation of my shadow, I start by adding an essential and soft glow to my character without defining any light source. This section adds depth to flat colors and forms a foundation for fundamental dignity.

I think of my light source to draw flat shadows and then add a layer set to Repeat over the Color layers. Next, I paint a single color shade on this new layer. It is usually purple to gray, but you can use any color depending on the effect you want to achieve.

I make my shadows brighter by adding another layer over my previous Repeat one and setting it to Color Dodge. Now, I paint the areas I want to brighten up with a soft brush, using a low-cost color and full of space-filling.

  1. Ignore Rules and Just Paint

Everything you just read? Sometimes I don’t want to do anything! There is a lot to remember and think about when painting. As long as I want to relax while creating art, I get my paintings as far as I can with a colorful picture, and then I put a layer on it (or sometimes even that) and paint. My favorite tools are the Darker Pencil and the multifunctional Transparent Watercolor Brush.

  1. Use Colorful Drawings in your Art

Here’s an excellent way of making your images come alive: add the colors shown in the shadow areas or edges where the different colors meet. Colors often communicate naturally. If the character is placed in a room with solid red features, red may appear in other dark colors.

Identical to blue or green on grass. The picture can be exaggerated; manga artists often use skin color on the face in clothes and hair to make the character’s skin look soft, almost glowing. (Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint)

  1. You may Feel like you Should be Surprised at Everything

I’m not good at drawing backgrounds. I know I will succeed in this if I start exercising, but I have not yet found the strength to do so yet. That doesn’t mean I can’t create sketches with a background.

I need to be a little creative about the fact that I can’t paint them! I use pictures I took and edited in this picture using my photo editing skills. I cut, blur, brighten, paint, and add effects until it’s not easy to say these are the background images.

  1. Know when to leave

Usually, I will blow up the whole process of imagery, sit in front of the canvas, add and remove layers for hours, and keep where I started. Am I done? Should I add more? Does it look good? Can it look better?

What helps me is to get out of the drawing (where I can understand that I don’t have to create an artwork every time I draw) my list of things I can do to help close a chapter.

These steps are: adding a little extra color or Glow Dodge (like the bokeh lights you can see in the picture; adding a Color Balance Layer and adding a signature. (Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint)

And unless I upload a Drawing Online, I may be back. The Internet can make me shut down. My social media platforms are the journal of my artistic journey. A trip full of learning, discovering, creating, and errors as well.

Special Keywords – How to Make a Comic in Clip Studio Paint, Clip Studio Paint Pro or Ex, Clip Studio Paint Webtoon, Clip Studio Paint Comic Settings

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Anime Art – Basics Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:19:06 +0000 Anime Art – Basics

Anime Art Basic – Manga, which originated in ancient Japan, continues to be very popular today and is used to portray myths and critical topics in a comic book format.

The word “manga” comes from “man” (whimsical) and “ga” (paintings) and can therefore be translated as humorous drawings or pictures. This Faber-Castell drawing kit gives you everything you need to get started and shows you how to create your fake world step by step.

Basic Shapes

Basic shapes are a great way to learn to draw math. Hold the pencil tightly. Use the movement of your whole arm to draw a series of circles. Use your shoulder instead of your wrist to swipe the pencil on the page. Using the same method, remove a large number eight. Repeat. (Anime Art Basic)

Warm-up by Drawing the Following Scenarios:

  • Square
  • Circle
  • The rectangle
  • Triangle
  • Cylinder
  • Practical advice

Practical Tips Practice drawing all kinds of lines: straight, curved, and lines of different lengths and thicknesses. Creating a stable, smooth line makes your finished drawings look polished.

Also, Read – How to Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint

Drawing Ahead

Make your drawing with a pencil. If you are satisfied with the picture, use the Indian PITT S ink artist pen and erase the pencil lines. (Anime Art Basic)

  1. Draw a circle and divide it into four equal sections with a horizontal and vertical line.
  2. Draw a simple square around the circle. This will help to set the different conditions needed to build ahead. In the lower part of the circle, draw a triangle, pointing to the bottom. Wipe the lower end of the triangle to create a chin.
  3. Draw straight lines with angles to connect the chin to the circle and create the edges of the cheeks.
  4. The eyes should be drawn from the centerline of the circle down to the top of the triangle. Draw small ovals on the outer edges of the process to get the ears. Place the nose on the centerline where the circle and triangle meet. Put your mouth in the triangle.
  5. Build the neck by drawing two straight lines down the triangle. The channel can be large or small, depending on your attractive character. It makes the neck very thin for a girl, thick for a boy, and as wide as a goon jaw.

Creating Emotions

Create a saying using different eye shapes and add eyebrows and eyebrows. Down eyebrows show anger. Upward eyebrows indicate curiosity or anxiety. Female characters usually have thin eyebrows, and male eyebrows are thick. The younger characters have huge eyes and no eyelashes. The mouth and nose are always tiny. (Anime Art Basic)

Fun / Laughter: Draw a half circle to get a happy open mouth. The eyebrows are turned upside down, and the closed eyes are two arcs.

Disappointment: Draw two small arcs of closed eyes, eyebrows raised in a V-shaped shape, and add a lip squiggle.

Anger: Thick, sloping eyebrows are V-shaped. Draw a rectangle on the mouth and a horizontal line to show the slightly adjacent teeth.

Sadness / Crying: Draw eyebrows raised at the top to indicate anxiety. Draw eyes like two small arcs and add tears.

Shocked: Draw very open eyes and a large circle of breathless mouth.

Also, Read – How to Draw Monkey D. Luffy

Body Painting


The body can be created using a series of triangles, cylinders, short cylinders, and ovals. Start with two passing triangles at the sharp edges. Draw a third triangle facing the area of ​​the top triangle.

It should be about half the size of the first two triangles. Together these three triangles are the base of the body and the hips. For male figures, use broader and heavier situations. Men have broad shoulders and narrow hips, while women have narrow shoulders and wide hips. (Anime Art Basic)


The palm, or base of the hand, can be drawn with a trapezoid. Add short cylinders to create fingers and thumbs.


Draw a small cylinder around the neck and add the head.


Draw an oval in each corner of the upper shoulder triangle. Add arms by drawing two tapered cylinders, one below the other. Leave a gap in the middle and draw an oval to represent the elbow. The wrist should end at the lower point of the lower extremity. Insert a small oval under the arm to form a wrist. Enter Hand. (Anime Art Basic)


The legs are made of short cylinders and the oval of the knees. (The knee should pass through the upper cylinder.) Draw a small ankal oval and a foot triangle.

The Bodies are Moving.

The body is a fast-moving system. It does not have a healthy natural environment. These drawings are examples of moving bodies. In these diagrams, note some of the conditions below that are still visible and show how they relate to each other as they move. (Anime Art Basic)

The shorter lines offer, the smaller the range of motion. Indicate the effect with short lines coming out of your connected area. Fold the lines in the body to show that the character is twisted.

Practical Advice

Use a stencil to create moving lines to show movement, momentum, speed, direction, joy, and energy – Use the straight lines on the back of the letter to indicate the runner’s action – Use the curved lines of the stencil to show the movement of the moving motion.

The typical light and shadow symbols are shown in the simplest form on the previous page apply to the structure of the human body. When the light source is close to something, the shadow is dark and harsh. The shadows become lighter and softer when the light source is far away.


Clothes and accessories with minimal details such as bows, caps, jewelry, and swords make it personal and define the character. Striped clothes or flowing hair helps to show movement. Note that the ribbons on the hero’s head give the impression that he was moving. (Anime Art Basic)

Also, Read – How to Draw Aang (Avatar)

Light and Shadow

Light and shadow give things greatness. When light strikes an object, it creates an impression and a shadow. Select the location of the light source. Draw bright lines from this point to the outer edge of the object. The area opposite the light source will be in the shade.

Special Keywords – Anime Art, Light & Shadow, Light Source, Straight Lines

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How To Draw Anime Eyes Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:08:33 +0000 How To Draw Anime Eyes

Know How To Draw Anime Eyes – The eyes are the windows of the soul. This fact alone makes it awe-inspiring to paint perfect eyes. If you are a beginner like most of us, you should also be scared to draw those deep, beautiful eyes. But drawing anime eyes is as easy as drawing without in-depth details so that you can take a breather. We, Will, Learn – How To Draw Anime Eyes Girl, How To Draw Anime Eyes Boy, How To Draw Soft Anime Eyes, How To Draw Eyes

As with all other parts, start with the eye frame. Remember that anime characters have big, expressive eyes, so draw a sketch appropriately.

The female eye may be larger than the males. So keep that in mind before moving on to the next part of the eye: other girl arcs and boy lines.

Also, Read – Anime Art – Basics

Draw the iris in an oval shape, with the upper and lower iris hidden by the eyelids.

A small oval inside the iris could form a pupil.

Draw two small circles facing the other side of the display area.

Now start tracing and leaving the white reflection and move over the eyelashes.

When you draw the upper and lower eyelids in female anime, you end up longer than the male anime.

The wide arc over the eye will give you beautiful eyebrows. You can make the eyebrows bigger and more flat on the straight side for a male anime.

Cool Anime Drawing Ideas And Drawings

Now that you know the basics, drawing anime will be easier. It will not happen in a day, of course, but you will become an expert in anime drawing only with more practice. To help you with the program, here are some cool anime drawing ideas and drawings of some of the most popular anime characters.

Naruto is one of the most popular anime characters. So when it comes to cool anime ideas and graphics, you bet we will include Naruto Uzumaki among the first few decisions.

Many vital features are very different from his character. From his long, thorny hair to his fiery, fiery eyes. Then there is the old headband—lots of fun things waiting to be pulled by you.

Start with basic facials using circles and lines. Draw another arc under the process to make a basic facial outline. Draw a curved line over the face to give him his headband.

Once you have painted the headband, work on his ears. Next, create half of the browsers and scan their headband. Look at the steps above to draw the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Above all, do not forget to add three lines to each cheek. Then give her that thick blonde fur. Your Naruto is ready for color and shade.

Also, Read – How to Draw Manga in Clip Studio Paint

Goku Anime Drawing

Goku Super Saiyan is one of the most popular anime characters globally. Her face is as tiny as the length of her hair. So it is enjoyable to draw, and it has its unique features that you need to focus on—for example, her muscular body, angular face, and long pointed hair.

As you draw Goki, remember some basic details such as connecting his eyes with his nails, drawing large pieces of hair that are triangular, and a wide neck that stretches straight into a heavy curved body. Start with the face to have the essential part of correctly working with and drawing all the details.

Regardless of age, everyone loves Elsa! This beautiful snow princess inspired us with her songs and became the queen not only of snow but the hearts of many children. We can’t get past him. And why not? He is not only beautiful but brilliant. And we have not even started on his clothes!

There are many Elsa versions you can try to draw. But one of Elsa’s most familiar paintings is the one over the shoulder and the slight smile on her face.

Be very careful when drawing Elsa’s eyes because they are so amazing. Make her eye lines and lashes thicker and bolder. One thing you will never forget is Elsa’s model hair. Please give her a good-looking back and a long, twisted neckline in front of her.

Wool Drawing Ideas

The furry anime is exciting and thought-provoking, unlike anything else. If you happen to be new to the concept of furry anime, let me help you. The furry anime is animal characters but given human features. For example, they are very human, intelligent, and expressive.

Some of the furry anime best known are Uma Musume: Pretty Derby, Wolf’s Rain, Spice and Wolf, Great Police, and the list goes on. They are so beautiful and so different from our typical anime characters.

Apart from the placement and style of their ears, you do not need to do anything other. Most of the time, you could quickly draw yourself by following the basic techniques of drawing anime.

Also, Read – How to Draw Monkey D. Luffy

Chibi Anime Drawing Ideas

In Japanese, Chibi means young and handsome. You must have seen the Chibi versions of your many favorite anime characters. They are painted very small with beautiful thick cheeks, strong limbs, and oversized heads. This caricature style is so cute that you can try it out.

When drawing an anime Chibi, the few things you need to keep in mind are that the characters have the same body size and body shape regardless of gender, face size, height, body shape, and age of the original design. The only thing you can distinguish them is by highlighting their essential features like hair, eyes, or clothes.

Raise your hand if you also think anime offers a few great goals! There are many anime couples that we all love and love very much. Some of them are Goku and Chichi, Naruto and Hinata, Vegeta and Bulma, Lucy and Natsu, Kirito and Asuna and many more.

Drawing them can mean extra work (or a lot!) For you, but with practice, you can master it. Start with the primary lines and scales to ensure a smooth process. For starters, try a more straightforward and more sophisticated couple.

How to Draw Kakashi Hatake

Kakashi Hatake is one of the most popular anime characters. To draw, you will first need to look at the shape of his chin, jaw, cheek, and forehead. Then start with the outline of his face using curved lines.

His eyes and ankles are on the curved side so remember that you are still working on it. The curved line will need to be drawn to give him his photo face mask. Also, don’t forget Kakashi’s scar that falls over and under one eye. Lastly, complete the drawing with her headband and long hair with nails.

Kawaii Anime Drawing Ideas

Kawaii is the culture of beauty in Japan. If you are a big fan of lovely and lovable characters, you should watch kawaii anime indulge throughout the day. Some of the most popular kawaii anime are Hanayamata, K-On, Hanamaru Kindergarten, New Game, Lucky Star, and Pokemon.

Everything about these anime packs a fun punch for fun. Choose any kawaii anime character and take that kawaii thing out of your drawings. If I were you, I would start with our beloved Pikachu.

Monkey D Luffy Drawing

The legendary character in the One Piece manga series is one of the funniest and clever guys. His drawing would not have been complete without his grass hat.

His face is easy to draw as he does not need as much detail as the other characters. Start by drawing a primary facial expression and then give her the look of her button, a curved smile line, and the scar under one eye.

Her hat may give you a little trouble but start by drawing a long curved line above the eyes. Draw a series of long spikes under this line to give her shaggy hair and complete the hat. You need to focus on the design of his hat carefully, and you will be fine.

Drawing by Erza Scarlet

You don’t want to pee Erza Scarlet from the Fairy Tail Guild because this guy can do some great magic. His face is one of the most accessible anime characters to draw.

However, while painting, emphasize his unique features to give your artwork a good depth. For example, keep her chin straight, her eyes slightly diamond-shaped, and her long straight hair with side bangs.

While this is about his height drawing, if you feel like you want to draw him in complete form with a sword, do not let any doubt stop you. The other part is also easy to remove as long as you stick to the extension first.

The Angel Strikes the Drawing

Angel Beats is one anime full of action, emotions, humor, and drama. The only thing missing is love, but that’s fine because it’s enjoyable. If you are an Angel Beats fan, you know what it is all about. It has good characters like Hideki Hinata, Yuri Nakamura, Yuzuru Otonashi, Kanade Tachibana, Yui, etc.

Choose any of your favorite characters and start with the basics. It would not be challenging to paint them; You need to pay attention to their different parts and hair colors to distinguish them.

Cowboy Bebop Drawing Ideas

This science-fiction anime has many characters that you can draw without a problem. There is a tall Vicious with his sword. Her long hair heavily covers her angular face. His body is on the soft sides, so you can quickly draw him with straight construction lines.

Gren can also be marked with long straight lines of construction. Do not forget his sharp chin while drawing an essential facial expression. Jet Black, Julia, Spike Spiegel, Edward, and Faye Valentine are other fun characters trying to draw in Cowboy Bebop.

How to Draw Pokemon Pikachu Easy

Suppose there is one Pokemon creature we all fully serviced, Pikachu. This little creature has all the power and screaming in him. Absolutely! Pikachu has a lot of

fans. So we will include him in this list of cool anime ideas and drawings. Pikachu is straightforward to draw and has all the kawaii features in it.

To start with the frames, draw construction lines in the shape of a circle and a trapezoid under it. Draw two oval diagonals in the top two corners of the trapezoid and two rectangles in the lower corner of the trapezoid. A vertical line will be drawn from the center of the trapezoid.

We have a draft now, so you can continue to add good details. Draw two long pointed ears from the top of the head. Two small circles of Pikachu’s blinking eyes, two larger dots on both sides of the cheeks, and a glossy triangular tongue. Start blushing and breathe life into your Pikachu.

Ash Ketchum painting

Now that you are older, you can deny everything you want, but no one will believe you when you say you are done with Ash Ketchum. He is a character other than Pikachu, whom we all loved.

And still! For children or adults, Ash Ketchum is everyone’s favorite. From his baseball cap to his sleeveless jacket, he has a lot of unique things to play with while drawing.

Please start with the outline of his face by drawing a dead rectangle with rounded edges. Next, draw a straight line between the head and two horizontal lines, one slightly above the center of the head and the other near the bottom of the head shape.

After this basic situation, start outlining Ash’s face with his sharp chin and look down at us for his eyes. Two C-shaped curves can form his ears. Draw four spikes on both sides of his head and his cap at the top, and we have our own Ask Ketchum!

Charizard Drawing is Easy

There is nothing wrong with fire-breathing but very cool dragons! Forgive the mistake, but you must admit it. Charizard is amazing! We had always been fascinated by dragons, and this Pokemon came and gave our imagination a new joy. Drawing Charizard is tricky but nothing so hard that you shouldn’t try it as a beginner.

He started by just drawing her head. You will need to remove a small circle for his head. Two curved lines from the top of this circle will give it horns. Now start working on the details and give it a nose with the help of curved lines. Draw a curved line from the base of the left horn to the tip of the nose to form its jaw.

Extend the two curved lines from the bottom of the head and continue drawing his body in a circular motion. Draw on the arms and legs to stretch but make the legs round. Now give her nails, a flaming tail at the end, and finish her with wings. Be careful if it fires, and your drawing may catch it! Blink the eye!

Asuna Painting

If you know about the Sword Art Online series (of course you are!) Then you see who Yuuki Asuna is. He is Kirito’s partner, and you know him for sure. So to paint Asuna, you will also need to start with basic face makeup techniques.

You will need an oval shape to draw her basic facial features and move on to every detail. Make sure you give her a good amount of front nails that will keep her above her big eyes. You can draw Kirito next to him, and you will have a beautiful anime drawing in your hands.

Sword Art Online Drawing

Sword Art Online is one of the most popular science anime series full of adventure. Many people are big fans of Kirito and Asuna, the main characters in the anime.

But there are also some interesting characters, and you might try to draw. Some of them are Eugene, Alicia Rue, Kibaou, Kayaba Akihiko, Agil, and Keita.

Anime drawing is an art. Almost all anime lovers have tried to draw their favorite characters at least once. However, your first attempt may not seem like the first character, stay calm and keep rehearsing it. The more you draw, the better you will draw in anime. So sharpen your pencil and enjoy the process.

Special Keywords – How To Draw Anime Eyes Girl, How To Draw Anime Eyes Boy, How To Draw Soft Anime Eyes, How To Draw Eyes

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How to Draw an Anime Character Sun, 16 Jan 2022 15:30:28 +0000 How to Draw an Anime Character

How to Draw an Anime Character – Anime is animation and a popular drawing style from Japan. Drawing anime characters can seem daunting, especially when you look at your favorite anime drawn by experts. Fortunately, anyone can learn to draw anime characters, and the process is easy if you break it down into smaller steps.

Method 1

Drawing an anime head and face

  1. Draw an oval and divide it into four sections

This will be the basic frame of mind for your anime character. The proportions should not be straight, but make the oval thin at the bottom because that would be the chin.

Once you have drawn the oval, draw a horizontal line in the center. Then, draw a straight line that crosses the horizontal line in the middle of it. Later, you will use these lines as guides to remove facial features.

If you want your character to have a broad face, extend the oval bottom to be much smaller than the top.

Or, if you want your character to have a more petite look, make the bottom of the oval much smaller than the top. There is no single theme used for all anime characters, so you can try until you find one you like. (How to Draw an Anime Character)

Also, ReadHow to Draw an Anime Character

  1. Draw Eyes Below the Horizontal Line

Anime eyes are large and exaggerated and usually take about 1/4 to 1/5 of the length of the face. To draw one, first, draw a line of the thick top bar under the horizontal line you draw and on one side of the vertical line. Then, draw a bottom circle on the top row, and draw a black reader in the middle. Next, draw a small, horizontal line below the bottom of the lash line.

 Lastly, create a circle around the reader, leaving white space to make it look like light is coming from your character’s eyes. Do the same on the other side of the straight line to make another eye.

Tip: Adjust eye shape and size depending on drawing a male or female anime character. To get a female character, make the eyes long and round and add a few thick eyelashes from the top lash line. With a male character, make the eyes shorter and smaller.

  1. Draw eyebrows over the horizontal line

Draw a long, curved line at the bottom of each eyebrow. Make them slightly longer than the top line of the lash line that draws the eyes. Then, wrap the ends of the hurricanes in the center of the face.

When you draw a female anime character, make the eyebrows very thin. The male character tightens the eyebrows to make them more prominent on the face. (How to Draw an Anime Character)

  1. Insert the nose between the horizontal line and the chin

Anime spaces are hidden and are usually only defined if you look at the character from the side. To draw your character’s nose, draw a straight, simple straight line in the center of the face in the center between the horizontal line and the chin. Make the line longer if you want your character’s nose to be more prominent.

Also, Read Beginner Guide to Drawing Anime & Manga

Make the nose the minor feature of your character’s face.

The nose will pass through the straight line you have drawn. Make it darker than the straight line, or erase the straight line around the nose for a better view.

Male anime characters sometimes have very bright noses, but this is not always the case. If you want your character’s nose to be more visible, draw a short horizontal line under a straight line to represent the bottom of your character’s nose.

Also, draw a triangular shape on the side of the nose so that it looks like the light hits your character on the side. (How to Draw an Anime Character)

With some anime styles, like the lake, you don’t even need to paint the nose at all!

  1. Draw the mouth between the nose and the chin

Like anime noses, anime lips are subtle and straightforward. To draw your character’s mouth, draw a horizontal line about the size of the space between his eyes.

Don’t worry about painting the lips. Make the mouth the second smallest feature on your character’s face, behind the nose.

Turn the line up if you want your character to smile or smile if you wish them to be upset.

If you want your character to smile and show their teeth, draw a curved line at the bottom of the horizontal line that draws their mouth.

The white space between the curved and flat lines should be about half as long as the mouth is long. That space will be the teeth of your character. (How to Draw an Anime Character)

  1. Put the ears next to the head

 If you want your character to have long hair covering the ears, skip drawing ears. However, if your character’s hair is short, draw a small oval on each side of the head.

Make the upper lip line parallel to the horizontal bar running down the center of the face, and make the lower line parallel to the lower nose. Then, draw the ear flaps inside each oval.

Experiment with your character’s ears if you want them to be large or small.

  1. Draw hair on your character’s head

The hairstyle you choose for your character is up to you, but usually, anime hairstyles include straight ends and different sections.

You can style short, curly hair, medium-length style, or long flowing hair. Whatever do you choose, avoid drawing individual strands of hair? Instead, draw large sections of hair, such as 4 or 5 pins at the end. (How to Draw an Anime Character)

If your character has long hair, you can draw two pigtails, one on each side of the head, with pointed ends. Or, you can draw their hair pulled by a circular band at the top. Alternatively, you can give your character bangs by drawing 3 or 4 different sections of hair down to their forehead.

To make your hair short, you can draw 3 or 4 sections of moving hair towards the side of your character’s forehead. Or, you can draw a hairstyle without bangs and draw a few lines running from the hairline to the back of their head to make it look like their combed hair is coming back.

Alternatively, you can draw a chin-length bob divided into several thick sections.

  1. Clear the horizontal and vertical guidelines you have drawn

Wipe them carefully so as not to accidentally remove any facial features. Use a small amount of rubber to make it less likely to make mistakes. (How to Draw an Anime Character)

Once you’ve cleared both lines, your character’s head and face are gone!

Method 2

Anime body painting

  1. Outline your character

Use straight lines for arms, torso, and legs. Make the arms and torso equal in length, and make the legs 1/3 the length. Then draw a triangle or oval for the hands and feet. Make the hands 1/5 the size of the arm, and make the feet 1/6 the length of the legs.

Make your stick frame seven times as long as your character’s head to get the right balance.

Also, Read 30 Easy Anime Girl Drawing Ideas

Make the arm lines start about 1/5 of the way down the body line.

Let your character frame take any shape you want it to be. For example, if you want your character to sit up, draw their legs to bend. Or, if you want your character to move, pull one arm to turn.

  1. Describe the typical physical condition of your character

To draw on the frame of the number of sticks you have made, draw a solid structure of your character’s body, arms, hips, and legs. Don’t worry about making a draft right now. At this point, you want to represent the different parts of the body with the basic shape.

Draw the ovals of the arms and legs up and down, and then draw a circle in each area of ​​the knees and elbows. (How to Draw an Anime Character)

 Equally, make your character’s upper and lower arms equal in height and size. Make their upper legs bigger than their lower legs.

Draw a quadrilateral (4-dimensional shape) wide at the top and narrow at the bottom for the body shape. Eventually, the sweeping corners at the top will be the shoulders of your character.

To define the hips, draw an oval over the torso that meets the upper legs.

Anime characters tend to be tall and thin, but you can try different lengths and shapes!

  1. Connect and improve the standard conditions you have drawn

 Trace the outer edges of your character’s body to have a single seamless frame. At this point, start by polishing the various parts of the body to make them look more realistic, such as your character’s hands, shoulders, hips, and neck.

You will have a complete, detailed outline of your character’s body next to the obscure frames you have drawn before when you are done. (How to Draw an Anime Character)

To connect and polish the legs, draw around the outer edges of each shape that forms the legs (upper and lower leg ovals, knee circles, and foot shapes) to have a seamless one. The frame of each leg. Make the edge smooth (without gaps) so that the legs look real.

You can do the same with the arms and body with the upper body. Rotate the torso corners around the shoulders, and draw two curved lines from the center of the neck torso. Also, attach the underlined shape to the hips to the torso and upper legs.

Tip: When drawing a male anime character, enlarge the chest, waist, and shoulders.

When you draw a female anime character, shrug your shoulders, widen your hips, and expose your breasts.

Insert the core to make it smaller.

  1. Clear the rod frame and shape you have drawn

Be careful to erase it so that you do not accidentally remove any refined, final drafts you have drawn. You should be left with a clean, seamless frame for your character’s body without the original guidelines you have drawn inside it when you are done.

  1. Add clothes to your anime character

 Draw clothes on the frame of your character’s body. For example, with your character’s shirt, draw sleeves over their arms and the body of the sweater over their torso.

 Then, wipe any strands inside the clothes as those parts of your character’s body are covered. For example, if your character is wearing shorts, brush the top of his upper leg inside the shorts as you would not see that part of their legs. (How to Draw an Anime Character)

As you paint the clothes, think about where they would fit naturally if someone wore them. Then, draw creases and folds to make the clothes look more realistic. You can also look at pictures of clothes online to see how they rip.

You can choose any clothing for your anime character. You can think of other famous anime outfits include school uniforms, formal dresses and suits, and traditional Japanese clothing.

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