How to Draw a Shuriken
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How to Draw a Shuriken (Ninja Star) Step by Step

How to Draw a Shuriken (Ninja Star) Step by Step

Draw a Shuriken – This tutorial demonstrates how to draw a shuriken, often referred to as a ninja star, in eight steps using an anime/manga style. Shurikens are frequently depicted in martial arts-themed anime and manga and typically have a star-like shape. This guide focuses on a four-pointed star shuriken from a side view.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Draw the First Set of Guidelines

  • Create Cross Lines: Start by drawing a horizontal and vertical line crossing each other. These lines will form the center of the shuriken and ensure it is evenly shaped.

Step 2: Draw a Second Set of Guidelines

  • Add “X” Lines: Draw another pair of shorter lines, forming an “X” between the original cross lines. Ensure the sections between these lines are equal in size.

Step 3: Draw the Shuriken Frame

  • Outline the Star: Using the guidelines, sketch a four-pointed star shape. The guidelines help maintain symmetry.

Step 4: Draw the Center Hole

  • Add a Circle: Sketch a small circle in the center of the star to represent the hole.

Step 5: Define the Edges

  • Inner Shape and Circle: Draw a similar shape inside the main star outline to define the edges. Add a second, larger circle centered on the hole.

Step 6: Clean and Complete the Line Drawing

  • Refine Lines: Erase the guidelines and darken the lines for the final outline. Consider making the main outline thicker than the inner details.

Step 7: Add Color

  • Color the Shuriken: Use light grey to depict the metallic nature of the shuriken. A regular pencil can achieve this effect.

Step 8: Add Shading

  • Create Depth: Add basic shading to give the shuriken a three-dimensional appearance. Assume the light source is from the top left, and distribute shadows accordingly.
  • Simplified Shading: Keep the shading simple for an anime/manga style, ensuring it looks cohesive without appearing fragmented.


Shurikens, or ninja stars, are a staple in anime and manga, often depicted with a star-like shape. This tutorial provides a straightforward method for drawing a shuriken, focusing on symmetry and simple shading techniques to achieve an effective result.

Special Keywords – How To Make a Ninja Star Step By Step, Origami Ninja Star Step By Step, Origami Ninja Star 100 Point, Koga Ninja Star

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